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Blog Readers Retention Strategies Exposed

Blog Readers Retention Strategies Exposed There are a number of ways through which you can attract more readers over your blog and ke...

Blog reader

Blog Readers Retention Strategies Exposed

There are a number of ways through which you can attract more readers over your blog and keep them coming back. Here are a few blog readers retention strategies that I have gathered after some doing research.
The title of your blog needs to be in detail. When someone searches for your blog, your blog title will the main thing displayed in the search engine results; search engine crawlers like clear titles. Even before worrying about the search engines, the title needs to be clear for the readers. Try that you do not use any acronyms in your title anywhere. If you choose to go with a title that goes like ‘A piece of idea’ rather then only APOI; it would be much better.
Secondly, the content uploaded on your blog should be genuinely yours. Sometimes you might see that many blogs belonging to the same niche would have entirely same information; this is a big failure for those blog readers who copy things. You can take ideas from professional blogs or even pick up some matter if you like it but make sure it is re-written in your own words and format. Keep in mind that many people visiting blogs are bloggers themselves; if they get a hint that something is copied from somewhere or sound familiar; they would immediately exit. Also, the URLs that you use need to be search engine friendly; Permalinks. Getting your blog enlisted in the search engine results is a good way to gain more traffic for your blog. Similarly, there are many free web directories where you get your blog enlisted too. Being listed through top ranking websites is the best way to increase your page rank quickly. Get as many high ranking websites as you can to link with your blog and see your page rank boost higher. This can be easily done by submitting your blog over numerous free web directories.
You can also not forget to make use of social bookmarking sites. Whenever you prepare a new post make sure that it is also submitted to social bookmarking websites such as technorati.
Making use of these strategies will make sure that not only your readers increase with time but they also keep on coming back regularly to enjoy your content. Keep your blog updated and never leave it idle for a long time.

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